Historical and etymological dictionaries of Russian as part of the “National Dictionary Fund”


Penkova Ya. Skripka V. Historical and etymological dictionaries of Russian as part of the “National Dictionary Fund” SHLL, Vol. 7. 2024 , 114–135
The paper discusses some problems of development of a new Internet resource “National Dictionary Fund” created at the Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the supervision of M. L. Kalenchuk. Currently, the National Dictionary Fund is supposed to include 33 dictionaries of the Russian language. The resource will suggest a separate historical and etymological module representing the formation of the norms of the Russian language in historical perspective. This module is planned to include etymological and historical dictionaries, explanatory dictionaries compiled in the late 18th – early 20th centuries, as well as dialect dictionaries of the Russian language. The paper discusses the architecture of the module, the problems of correlating language variants, the difficulties associated with interpreting different results of the historical development of an etymologically identical word, as well as the perspectives for a user. It is supposed to offer dictionary entries from etymological dictionaries first in the search results, and divide eight historical dictionaries into two groups: historical dictionaries proper and explanatory dictionaries of the 18th — early 20th centuries. Within the first group, the dictionaries are arranged according to the chronology of the periods of the Russian language development, within the second group — according to the chronology of the creation of the dictionaries. The first part will open with an entry from the etymological dictionary, the second will end with an entry from the dialect dictionary. This will allow the user to move gradually from the prehistorical period to the language of the 18th–19th centuries, and through the dictionary of V. Dal, which contains a large amount of dialect material, to modern dialects, which are also one of the important additional sources on the history of the language. In addition, the user will be able to trace how the principles of lexicographic description have changed from the 18th century to the present day. The etymological principle is proposed as the central principle of organization of the module: etymological dictionaries could be used as a basis for correlating entries from different dictionaries; the word yanvar’ illustrates the advantage of this principle.
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historical lexicography

digital lexicography

National Dictionary Fund

historical dictionary

etymological dictionary

dialect dictionary