Social Terminology in the Blaeu Atlas (1650s, 17th century)


Nikolenkova N. Social Terminology in the Blaeu Atlas (1650s, 17th century) SHLL, Vol. 7. 2024 , 93–113
The article examines the principles of conveying social terminology (primarily the nomination of rulers of different levels) in the translation of a Latin geographical work known as the Blaeu Atlas, carried out in Moscow in 1652–1653. The translation, carried out by the learned scribes Slavinetsky and Satanovsky, represents the first stage in the formation of the scholarly register of the Church Slavonic language. The hypothesis about the emergence of this type of language (new register) was put forward by A.I. Sobolevsky and V.M. Zhivov, but until now it has not been proven by linguistic analysis of a specific text. The work proposes to consider the translation of Blau's Atlas as such. This translation is contrasted with other translated cosmographies, including Mercator's cosmography, which was translated into the Moscow official language in 1637. The article shows that the approach of the “scientific” scribes is opposed to the already established principles of translation of cosmographic works, and the area of opposition is primarily vocabulary. The translators of Blau Atlas rely on the Church Slavonic language, trying to translate the geographical treatise as a scientific text, since geography is one of scientific knowledge.We note new principles of rendering social terminology introduced by translators. These principles included the widespread use of Greek lexemes both in place of the original Greek vokabulary and to replace Latinisms, as well as the active use of composites including individual author’s lexemes. The Blau Atlas becomes a field for linguistic experiments by translators, since its non-sacred nature allows greater freedom for authors. The article uses handwritten sources from the collection of the State Historical Museum, representing the autographs of two learned translators; they are compared with data from historical and etymological dictionaries, as well as with observations made in 1954 by S.M. Gluskina, who studied the translation of an earlier geographical work (Mercator's cosmography). The latter work turns out to be more widespread in Muscovite Rus', in contrast to the "learned" translation of the Blau Atlas, which required a higher level of education from readers. However, the Blau Atlas in the translation of Slavinetsky and Satanovsky is undoubtedly an important linguistic source, primarily with regard to the formation of the lexical composition of the book language of the second half of the 17th century.
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history of the Russian literary language

Church Slavonic language of the 17th century

translations from Latin

social terminology