Prehistory of the word tsiferblat in Russian


Molkov G. Prehistory of the word tsiferblat in Russian SHLL, Vol. 7. 2024 , 73–92

The appearance of the germanism tsiferblat ‘dial’ in the Russian language in the first quarter of the 19th century was preceded by anfractuous processes of developing the name of this object. In the German language itself the word Zifferblatt had first been recorded in the 1720s and remained inactive until the middle of the century. It was not borrowed into the Russian language until the late 18th century and throughout the entire period the meaning ‘dial’ could be designated by a large number of variant and mostly composite names. This study identified several stages in this process. Compound names with the reference word krug ‘circle’ (more often than others — chasovoi krug ‘hour circle’) were used since the 17th century. From the beginning of the 18th century they were supplemented by combinations with the word doska ‘board’. There are also more situational names: in particular, in the professional community of the masters of the Instrument Chamber of the Russian Academy of Sciences there was no single stable term for the dial, which is possibly due to the variety of instruments and, accordingly, the shape of their dials.

A new stage begins in the 1770s, when the borrowed stem tsifr-/tsifir- ‘numeral’ arises among the dial designations. This change was apparently facilitated by the evolution of the semantics of the word tsifra ‘digit’, which gradually lost its polysemy over the course of the century and became the predominant expedient to denote the concept of number. Among the new designations, the repeatedly occurring expression tsifirnyi list ‘digital sheet’ stands out, being a literal trans lation of the complex word Zifferblatt. This may indicate the emergence of the stem tsifir- in the discussed area under the influence of the German language. The new designations had a certain advantage. The collocation tsifirnyi krug ‘digital circle’ (like its German prototype) is more universal than chasovoi krug ‘hour circle’, since the definition tsifirnyi fits any measuring device with a pointer and scale. The new series of nominations only increased the inconsis tency in the ways of naming the dial. New names along with old ones could be found within the same source up until the end of the 18th — beginning of the 19th century. This, in our opinion, favored the emergence of a single one-word designation for the dial in the Russian language.

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historical lexicology


Russian language of the 18th century

history of words and concepts

lexical synonymia