Ilya Kopievsky and Cyrillic fonts in Europe at the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries


Levichkin A. Ilya Kopievsky and Cyrillic fonts in Europe at the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries SHLL, Vol. 7. 2024 , 34–72

The article is devoted to the existence of Cyrillic fonts in Europe at the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries and the role of the famous lexicographer Ilya Kopievsky in the spread of the Kirill font.

In the 17th century, Cyrillic fonts of famous masters were known in Europe: Jan van Selow, Johann Adolf Schmidt, Johann Rolu. In 1625, Peter van Selow organized a printing house in Sweden for printing books in Russian. For these publications, he made two Slavic fonts, which later, after Selow's death, came to Holland. These fonts later belonged to the widow of Dirk Voskens, a famous Dutch font foundryman. The name of another printer, Johann Adolf Schmidt, is associated with the search for the Cyrillic font by Heinrich Wilhelm Ludolph for the publication of his Grammar in Oxford. These fonts were purchased for the Oxford printing house from Schmidt on the recommendation of Ludolph. As the study showed, Schmidt's Greek and Latin fonts were used for publications at the Moscow Printing House, in particular for the publication of Fyodor Polikarpov's "Primer". At the same time, the famous lexicographer Johan Sparwenfeld tried to acquire Cyrillic fonts in Holland for the publication of his Lexicon, but without success.

At the end of the 17th century, by decree of Peter I, the printing house of Jan Thesing began operating in Amsterdam, for which the Cyrillic font was purchased from the engraver Johann Rolu; the translator and lexicographer Ilya Kopievsky became an employee of the printing house. The source of Johann Roll's font could have been the font of Robert Granjon. Among the sources of this font are also indicated the South Slavic Cyrillic publications of the 16th century. Later, Kopievsky bought the revised font from Johann Rolu or received matrices or punches from the Tesing printing house. After breaking with Tesing, Kopievsky was able to publish several editions with this revised font until he lost his font during a robbery on the way to Russia. In addition to Kopievsky's editions, Rolu's font was also used in several publications, in "Symbols and Emblems" of 1705, "Theatre or Mirror of Monarchs" by A.M. Nauzeyus in 1710, in the calendars of Vasily Korven-Kvasovsky in 1730.

Thus, it can be argued that I. Kopievsky did not create the font of the Thesing printing house, but actively participated in its dissemination in Europe at the beginning of the 18th century.

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Ilya Kopievich

cyrillic font

historical lexicography