Stable verbal complexes with the component chiniti and its verbal derivatives in the Old Russian, Old Ukrainian, Old Belarusian languages of the 16th–17th centuries


Adamovich M. Stable verbal complexes with the component chiniti and its verbal derivatives in the Old Russian, Old Ukrainian, Old Belarusian languages of the 16th–17th centuries SHLL, Vol. 7. 2024 , 7–33
The article, based on business writing monuments from Old Russian, Old Ukrainian, and Old Belarusian languages of the 16th–17th centuries, investigates stable phrases of the model “verb + word ending in -o,” combinations signifying origin, and formulas containing the component chiniti and its prefix-suffix derivatives. The term “stable word complex” serves as a generalizing concept for all these types of combinations. The study provides a brief overview of relevant works, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. Firstly, it notes the insufficient study of combinations with the component chiniti and its prefix-suffix derivatives within the three East Slavic languages. Secondly, it points out the lack of attempts to quantify similarities and differences in phraseology between these three languages, particularly in the 16th–17th centuries. The main part of the article examines the semantics, structure, and variability of these units, including any borrowed components. It notes the broad meanings of the verbs and their prefix-suffix derivatives, representation of their semantics and compatibility in historical dictionaries of three languages and the differences in variability and the number of borrowed components between Old Russian and the combined group of Old Ukrainian and Old Belarusian. Quantitative analyses of the studied units are presented: the number of verb components in each language, the number of noun components associated with each verb, and the number of identical units. The nominal components of stable combinations are subject to separate consideration. This analysis identifies general and specific patterns characterizing the phraseological systems of Old Russian, Old Ukrainian, and Old Belarusian. The conclusion is made about the established originality of the act phraseology in the East Slavic languages in the 16th–17th centuries and about the distinctive features concerning the composition of the studied units and their functioning in the Old Russian, Old Ukrainian and Old Belarusian languages.
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stable verb-noun combination



business writing

broad meaning