From the history of studying the vocabulary of «Letters and papers of Peter the Great»
The article analyzes the contribution of N.I. Gainullina (1939–2018), professor at Kazakh National University, to the study of the vocabulary of «Letters and papers of Peter the Great» and the role of Peter the Great in the history of the Russian literary language. There are three aspects of studying the «Letters and Papers of Peter the Great» in N.I. Gainullina’s works: historical and lexicological, genre and stylistic, pragmatic. It is underlined in the article that the study of «Letters and Papers of Peter the Great» is of particular importance for historical lexicology and lexicography. This source provides an opportunity to clarify the time of some words entry into the literary language, to explore the features of formal and semantic adaptation of foreign language vocabulary to the Russian literary language of Peter the Great Epoch, to assess the contribution of Peter the Great to the development of the vocabulary of the Russian literary language.
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