Nouns of religious semantic field with suffix ‑stv/о/, ‑ost’, ‑nie in the 18th century Russian (examplified by lexicographic works of the civil press)


Feliksov S. Nouns of religious semantic field with suffix ‑stv/о/, ‑ost’, ‑nie in the 18th century Russian (examplified by lexicographic works of the civil press) SHLL, Vol. 5. 2022 , 124–149

The article deals with the history of religious style formation in the Russian language. The research considers nouns of religious semantic field with a suffix -stv/о/, ‑nie, ‑ost’ recorded in the 18th century Russian lexicographic works of civil press, which provide detailed representation of confessional vocabulary. The paper features peculiarities in semantic structure of nouns with specified formants belonging
to religious semantic field. Their lexical and grammatical categories as well as thematic groups are described. It is shown that these derivatives, participating in the formation of the system of confessional vocabulary, firmly occupied an important place in the religious style of the Russian language by the end of the 18th century.

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religious style



suffix ‑stv/о/

suffix ‑nie

suffix -ost’

Russian lexicography

the 18th century Russian