Cognation of the Church Slavonic idiolect (discourse of the church sermon) and its influence on the Old Church Slavonic lexicography and lexicology
There is still no clear understanding of the place of the Church Slavonic language and discourse among the Slavic languages in paleoslavistics. Curiosities poure onto the reader from the pages of the respected dictionaries of Old Church Slavonic, Old Slavonic, Old Bulgarian language. In historical collection dictionaries of the SDRY and the Sl 11–17 excerptions from Church Slavonic texts (the Ostromir Gospel, Svjatoslav Izborniki 1073 and 1076, Menologies, and many others) greatly distort the history of the "Old Russian" words. In the Church Slavonic and Old Church Slavonic dictionaries Miklosich LP, St.-slav. sl. 10–11, SJS I–IV, ESJS 1–19 the Old Bulgarian texts written in Veliki Preslav and Ohrid (for example, Supraslsky manuscript) are quoted at every entry; Glagolitic texts are given in Cyrillic transliteration. Glagolitic texts (for example, the Sinai Gospel) are just as negligently cited in the Old Bulgarian Dictionary 2 vols and Consize Dictionary of Old Bulagarian Language, in Cyrillic transliteration. Each of the above dictionaries claimed to be fundamental and innovative critical selection of the lexical fund. As a result, the mishmash and "multiplication" of lexical entities came out. This situation is no better in lexicology of Old Church Slavonic language, the good illustrations of which are the publications of Krakowian prof. Witold Manczak (Mańczak 2004: 159; Idem 2008: 28–58, 143). Never the less, the linguistic statistics of W. Manczak presented some fundamental points that were not comprehended by paleoslavists.
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