Military actions and their participants nominations in journalism during the Crimean war


Prokofeva N. Shcheglova E. Military actions and their participants nominations in journalism during the Crimean war SHLL, Vol. 3. 2020 , 283–292

The article examines the lexical representation of the military conflict on the example of the Crimean War. There are semantic blocks that require special attention when covering the event in the period - the reason for the war, the nomination of participants in the military conflict, the ideological justification for military actions. The “war” thematic field is presented by using the diachronic analysis method, semantization and entry into the language usage of lexical units. Conclusions are drawn about the semantic renewal of the words of military subjects, which takes place under the influence of the next military conflict, as well as the impact of the course of military operations on the specifics of the appearance of the word negative or positive connotations.A curious observation is the discovery of a specific phraseology, actualized during each new military conflict and growing under its influence by new semantic overtones.

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lexical representation

thematic field

Crimean War



word using
