On borrowings in P.A. Tolstoy’s travel notes. On studying the history of some Italianisms
Gherbezza E.
On borrowings in P.A. Tolstoy’s travel notes. On studying the history of some Italianisms
SHLL, Vol. 4. 2021
This paper is devoted to the study of some lexical units of Italian origin, which were used by P.A. Tolstoy in his travel notes (1697–1699). It deals with issues of historical lexicology and lexicography. First of all, close attention is paid to the first appearance of analyzed words in Russian language and to the fact that these borrowings entered the language through oral speech. Then the paper examines the history of analyzed borrowed words and their lexicographical treatment in order to identify cases of secondary borrowing (reborrowing) and new acts of borrowing.
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