Some regularities of semantic development of formations with the prefix voz-(vos-) in the literary language and dialects

Semenov P. Some regularities of semantic development of formations with the prefix voz-(vos-) in the literary language and dialects SHLL, Vol. 4. 2021 , 37–45

The article deals with the semantic history of some verbs and verbal formations with the prefix voz- (vos-) in the Russian literary language and dialects. The author comes to the conclusion that both the literary language and dialects show a tendency to destroy the original semantic syncretism of the Old Slavic word, but to varying degrees and in different forms: the literary language tends to generalize, to develop abstract meanings, while dialects give more examples for the development of specific meanings based mainly on metonymic transfers. The dialect meanings themselves, which have developed in a number of lexemes with the prefix voz- (vos-) and are in no way related to the semantics of these units in the Church Slavonic language, convincingly prove the primacy of these formations in dialects and in the literary language.

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historical lexicology



semantic syncretism