Repeated intra-text lexemes interpretation in popular scientific magazine “Notes to the St. Petersburg Vedomosti” (1728–1742)

Malyshev A. Repeated intra-text lexemes interpretation in popular scientific magazine “Notes to the St. Petersburg Vedomosti” (1728–1742) SHLL, Vol. 2. 2019 , 235–241

The article is devoted to the consideration of lexemes repeated intra-text interpretation cases in the materials of the popular scientific magazine “Notes to the St. Petersburg Vedomosti” (1728–1742), both within one article and in different years. Such repeated interpretations, whether of the same or different content or detailization degree (e. g., four different interpretations of the word “equator”) and appearing in different articles or years, indicates that at the “Notes” edition time, many of these interpreted words only began to be a part of the Russian language or ceased to be the domain of limited use (science, politics, etc.), and therefore may have been perceived by the translator as requiring an once more clarification. In addition, the reader of a particular article may well not have read the articles of similar subject matter of previous years or a later article may have had another translator. The question of the reasons for the repeated word explanation on the same or on the next page, as well as in general within one article and the external redundancy of such duplication remains open, as it is not possible to answer it with sufficient certainty.


historical stylistics

historical lexicology

Russian journalism

interpretation of vocabulary

18th century