Words of the Islamic theme in Russian (to a lexic group forming)

Ragasova S. Khusnutdinov А. Words of the Islamic theme in Russian (to a lexic group forming) SHLL, Vol. 3. 2020 , 63–73

The spread of Islam and its increasing influence on economic, social and political processes in the world is reflected in different languages. This is connected, in particular, with the penetration into the vocabulary of different languages of the words, which meanings are somehow related to Islam as a world religion and Muslim culture. In the article, this lexical group is defined as “words of Islamic theme”. The ways of penetration of Islamic-related words and the processes of their development in different languages may differ, what may be connected with the history and culture of the people who are native speakers of this language, their contacts with other peoples, etc.
Of particular interest in this regard is the Russian language, which reflects in its vocabulary the features of interlanguage contacts that took place in the history of Russia.
The actuality to study the words of Islamic theme is also determined by a number of processes which take place today: the spread of Islam as a world religion and the growing  number of people in the world professing Islam and concerning themselves as Muslims; Muslim migration to “non-Muslim” regions; increasing of direct contacts between the Muslim and non-Muslim population (“neighborly” living, common work, common education of children at schools, mixed marriages, etc.); expanding the possibilities of communication and information exchange (Internet, media, etc.), as well as such features of the current socio-political and economic situation in the world as the intensification of the struggle for spheres of influence in different regions of the globe and for supremacy in certain areas of science and life, the radicalization of political movements, the growth of ethnic and religious conflicts, the intensification of religious extremism, the spread of terrorism around the world, etc.
In the Russian language there is a significant stratum of Islamic-themed words that has developed over several centuries (Allah, vizier, dervish, islam, mosque, minaret, namaz, Ramadan, chadra, emir, etc.). They are actively used in modern Russian speech not only in the communication of people living in the regions where Islam is the main religion, but also in the communication of people in the “non-Muslim” regions of Russia.
A group of words thematically related to Islam and Muslim culture has been developed by the Russian language for several centuries. For this article, from the entire array of Islamic-related words, several lexical units are selected (basurman, islam, mohammedan, halal and their derivatives), which functioning history from the moment of their fixation to the present shows various ways and ways of mastering Islamic-language words in Russian. Such a study makes it possible to trace and describe the entire process to form this group of lexical units in the vocabulary of the Russian language, their place in the language and the relationship with other units. A study of the history of Islamic-related words also allows seeing and explaining many characteristic features of these words usage in con- temporary Russian speech.
Observations on the peculiarities how the Islamic-language words function in the Russian language show that this group of words is a necessary part of the vocabulary, and the meanings expressed by these lexical units are a part of the general semantic system of the Russian language, covering its place in its conceptual system. The con- stant replenishment of this group of words with new units and their activation in oral and written speech is also stat- ed. This determines the importance of a full scientific, including lexicographic, description of Islamic-related words in the Russian language, their history from the moment of their appearance in the language to the current state. Such a description is necessary for the codification of these units, which determines the possibility to use them correctly in different speech situations.

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Russian language


Muslim culture

Islamic-related words


borrowed words developing

history of words