Mastering borrowings that have options for pre- and pro-, correlated with Russian prefixed formations for pre- and pro- (noun prospectus)

Kuznetsova I. Mastering borrowings that have options for pre- and pro-, correlated with Russian prefixed formations for pre- and pro- (noun prospectus) SHLL, Vol. 3. 2020 , 56–62

The article examines the functioning in the Russian language of pre- and pro-variants of borrowed noun prospectus correlated with the variation of the Russian-language prefixes pre- and pro- and the factors that influ- enced the formation of its semantics. The process of mastering foreign language borrowings by the language has its own characteristics in each specific case, studying which not only allows you to give a more accurate lexicographic descrip- tion of the word, but also makes it possible to subsequently generalize and identify the patterns of development of the Russian language.

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Russian language

18th century Russian

history of words

