Verbs with prefix пре- in the Russian language of the 18th century: the meaning of the action intensification

Malysheva I. Verbs with prefix пре- in the Russian language of the 18th century: the meaning of the action intensification SHLL, Vol. 2. 2019 , 29–43

The article describes one of the groups of verbs with a dissonant prefix in the meaning of amplification, intensity of action (to excel, to agitate, to redistribute, etc.). Unlike other semantic groups of this derivational model, this group does not have correlative pairs with пере-, and, possibly, this determines its further fate in the language. This group is interesting for studying the Russian language of the 18th century in that for almost the entire century it was represented in texts of different genres or as an author’s (occasional) education that remained the linguistic fact of one text
преизнуриться, преободрять, преукорить, etc.), or as words, gradually losing their bookishness, expanding their use (преимуществовать, преисполнить, преуспеть, etc.). The latter led to a change, complementation of both semantic and functional characteristics: new meanings, features of use and compatibility, etc.


Russian language

18th century


prefix пре-
