Some methods of the lexicographical work used by compilers of Russian handwritten lexicons

Kovalenko K. Some methods of the lexicographical work used by compilers of Russian handwritten lexicons SHLL, Vol. 1. 2018 , 153–159

The article discusses the basic principles of the lexicographical work used by the handwritten lexicons compilers in the Grand Duchy of Moscow. While creating or editing lexicons, compilers used both lexicographical and literary sources. Lexicographical entries or text fragments could be included in lexicons without changes or having been changed: extensive text fragments were reduced or transformed according to the structure of the entry, marginal glosses and comments were also included into the explanatory part. Some entries were compiled from the information about the headword, taken from various sources. Foreign words, written in the source in Greek letters, were transliterated into Cyrillic.


O.XVI.1 — рукопись Российской национальной библиотеки, Основное собрание, № O.XVI.1, в 8º, 1623 г., л.1–118об.
Арх. Д446 — рукопись Библиотеки Академии наук, Архангельское собрание, Д № 446, в 4º, 1632 г., л.1–262об.
Погод. 1145 — рукопись Российской национальной библиотеки, собрание М.П. Погодина, № 1145, infolio, 1630–1650-е гг., л.21–171об.
Погод. 1642 — рукопись Российской национальной библиотеки, собрание М.П. Погодина, № 1642, в 4º, 1630-е гг., л.1–174.
Юд. 4 — рукопись Российской государственной библиотеки, собрание Г.Г. Юдина, ф. 594, № 4, в 4º, 1626 г., л.1–125об.



handwritten lexicons

David Zamaray

Maximus the Greek

Hellenic and Roman Chronicle

Gennady’s Bible
