Use of the prepositions чрез and через in the eighteenth century Russian language

Molkov G. Use of the prepositions чрез and через in the eighteenth century Russian language SHLL, Vol. 1. 2018 , 75–84

The paper compares the structure of the meaning of prepositions чрез and через in the texts of the 18th century. Although the range of basic values transmitted by the prepositions coincides, several particular differences are distinguished. Almost all the features that distinguish the Church Slavonic variant are associated with the transfer of meanings that penetrated into the Russian language, not typical for the Old Russian language, apparently during the 16th–17th centuries with the most intensive contacts of Russian and Polish languages and are connected with the influence of the structure of the Polish preposition przez.


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18th century Russian

historical lexicology

grammatical semantics

alleged Church Slavonicism

Polish influence