Astrakhan legal document of the 17th century “The Case of Doyunko Kochumov”


Shchekin A. Astrakhan legal document of the 17th century “The Case of Doyunko Kochumov” SHLL, Vol. 7. 2024 , 182–199

The archives and libraries of St Petersburg contain numerous docu ments related to the legal paperwork of the 17th century Muscovite Rus’. Many of these documents have not been published yet. These documents are of inter est to linguists, historians, lawyers and all specialists involved in the history of everyday life of the 17th century Moscow state. Legal documents are an import ant source for the study of criminal routine, since their data allow us to judge the level and nature of crime and methods of combating it. In this regard, the publication of previously unpublished documents is of great importance. Such a publication, carried out using methods of linguistic source study, allows many researchers to study the published monument from different perspectives and makes its text universally accessible.

The article is a linguistic edition of a monument of Russian legal writing of the 17th century — the case of stabbing D. Kochumov, dated March 16, 1653, stored in the Research Historical Archive of St Petersburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Sciences (F. 178, inv. 1, № 2512). The introduction to the publication of the text sets out the content of the case and highlights legal terms and stable formula-type combinations characteristic of the language of legal paperwork of the Muscovite state in the 17th century. Some words and set expressions related to the local realities of the Astrakhan region of that era are also analyzed. Examples are given of the use of these words and stable combinations in documents related to other regions of Russia. The article concludes that the language of the document in question corresponds to the standard language of legal paperwork of the Moscow state of the 17th century. The linguistic edition reproduces the text of the document while preserving all the features of its graphics, spelling, punctuation and other characteristic linguistic features. The publication of the surviving part of “The Case of Doyunko Kochumov,” which was kept in the archive and did not attract much attention from researchers, will help expand the base of sources for studying the language of legal pa perwork of the Moscow state and may be useful for the lexicographic description of the Russian language of the 17th century, as well as for studying every day life of the Astrakhan region of that era.



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Russian language

historical lexicology

historical lexicography

17th century

Astrakhan region

legal vocabulary