Denominations of Giraffe in the Russian language of the 15th–18th centuries


Shchekin A. Denominations of Giraffe in the Russian language of the 15th–18th centuries SHLL, Vol. 5. 2022 , 150–167

Current article is dedicated to the analysis of words which designate giraffe in the Russian language of the 15th–18th centuries: velbludopardus, verbludobars, verbludorys, verbludopard, kamelopardalis, kamelopard, zhiraf, giraf etc. The original and translated texts of the 15th–18th centuries are used for material of research. The data gives evidence that all lexemes coexisted in this period as equivalent; none obtained predominance in the lexical system of the Russian language up to the end of the 18th century.

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Russian language

historical lexicology

historical lexicography

thematic word groups

denominations of animals
