The initial stage of the functioning of the word sut’ as a name in the Russian literary language: some lexical‑grammatical and stylistical features


Patroeva N. The initial stage of the functioning of the word sut’ as a name in the Russian literary language: some lexical‑grammatical and stylistical features SHLL, Vol. 5. 2022 , 72–85

The article is devoted to the analysis of the history of the word суть — a nominal homonym of the third person plural form of the present tense in the paradigm of the verb byt’. Based on the analysis of the documents presented in the National Corpus of the Russian Language, it can be concluded that the functioning of sut’ as a name begins in the 1780s — initially in journalism, in the travel genre. The entry of the nominative sut’ into diary and artistic prose occurs in the 1820s, and into poetry not earlier than the 1840s. A more active spread of the name essence begins only in the last third of the 19th century and is characterized by phraseological coherence, a tendency to form structures with a weakened degree of syntactic articulation or the position of the introductory component, formulaicity sut’ dela, vsya sut’ v, po suti dela etc.

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history of the Russian literary language

historical lexicology

historical lexicography


the language of poetry

the language of prose

the language of journalism
