On the question of a linguistic personality role in the formation of a metalanguage for describing interetnic relations in the 19th century Russia (Part 1. I.S. Aksakov)


Starovoytova O. On the question of a linguistic personality role in the formation of a metalanguage for describing interetnic relations in the 19th century Russia (Part 1. I.S. Aksakov) SHLL, Vol. 3. 2020 , 304–323

The problem of interethnic relations was in the center of attention of the Russian public in the 19th century. The study and discussion of such issues required an appropriate metalanguage, which led to the emergence of new linguistic means. Publicism played a huge role in this process. The article describes some of the I.S. Aksakov’s features of writing, connected with one of the important topics of his publications – the national question. His contribution to the metalanguage formation can hardly be overestimated.

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Russian language

Russian language of the 19th century

the 19th century publicism

interethnic relations

I.S. Aksakov