Оpinion-based journalism and the 19th century Russian lexicography


Ezerinya S. Оpinion-based journalism and the 19th century Russian lexicography SHLL, Vol. 3. 2020 , 174–185

In the middle of the 19th century, the Russian literary language, its vocabulary and different lexical elements, its socio-political role, functions and historical perspectives were the center of attention for Russian society, being most interestedly discussed by opinion-based journalists as well. The formation, shaping and development of the language called to life the pressing task to improve and bring Russian lexicographical practices up to date, to expand significantly and scientifically its empiric base, the latter being aimed to comprehend various publicistically-oriented texts from numerous Russian periodicals (including metropolitan and regional newspapers).
In the given period, mutual influence and interaction of Russian opinion-based journalism and lexicography displayed three main tendencies. 1) Lexical-phraseological units (including lexical, semantic, “stylistic” neologisms, phraseological units, etc.), that had been born to life or taken shape due to opinion-based journalistic works, were included in Russian dictionaries of various types as relevant headwords of their glossaries. 2) Publicistic works became used as an important source for textual illustrations aimed to justify existence and functioning of the appropriate language unit. 3) There exists an inverse link between the journalism and lexicography in the form of reviews and criti- cisms by journalists, pubic persons as well as scientists published in periodicals.

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19th century

the language of Russian opinion-based journalism

Russian lexicography

Russian lexicology