Paremic onomastics as a subject of scientific research (Book review: Kovshova M. L. Linguoculturological analysis of idioms, riddles, proverbs and sayings: Anthroponymic code of culture. Ed. stereotype. M.: LENAND, 2021. – 440 p.)

Patroeva N. Paremic onomastics as a subject of scientific research (Book review: Kovshova M. L. Linguoculturological analysis of idioms, riddles, proverbs and sayings: Anthroponymic code of culture. Ed. stereotype. M.: LENAND, 2021. – 440 p.) SHLL, Vol. 4. 2021 , 129–134

The book provides a comprehensive analysis of idioms and paremias as signs of language and culture. Particular attention is paid to the study of the cultural reference of idioms and paremias. The mysteriousness of idioms and the idiomatic nature of riddles are compared. The author investigates his own name as a part of paremias and idioms, describes the forms and structures of onyms in phraseological signs and signs of folklore, studies the issues of reference, conducts a historical, etymological and cultural analysis, gives a commentary. On a wide material of Russian riddles, proverbs, sayings and idioms proper names are described, among which stand out: anthroponyms, chrononyms, mythonyms, hagionyms, literary onyms, historical onyms. The book presents the anthroponymic code of culture for the first time. A polydiscursive analysis of anthroponyms is carried out on the basis of traditional and new genres. The book is intended for cultural linguists, phraseologists, philologists, as well as a wide range of curious readers.

  • Kovshova M.L. Slovar’ sobstvennykh imen v russkikh zagadkakh, poslovitsakh, pogovorkakh i idiomakh [Dictionary of proper names in Russian riddles, proverbs, sayings and idioms]. Moscow: LENAND Publ., 2021. 352 p. (In Russ.)


proper name


language of folklore genres

Russian phraseology

