Protoesl. *mьněti (sę) /*mьniti (sę): semantic development of the verb and its non-prefixed derivatives
The article is devoted to the issues of origin, semantic structure and its transformation of the verb *mьněti (sę) /*mьniti (sę) and non-prefixed derivatives throughout the history of the Russian language. The work is based on the material of etymological, historical and dialectal dictionaries and individual studies, including those concerning the problems of mental predicatives, to which the considered verb belongs. The verb form *mьniti (sę) is interpreted as the result of the influence of the present stem on -i (3 sing. to mьnitь). It is concluded that the semantics of the verb towards our time does not remain unchanged: both the transformation of individual semes (in the understanding of N. Tolstoy) and the emergence of new ones are observed, especially during the Middle Russian period.
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