New reading vocabulary descriptions

Chernysheva M. New reading vocabulary descriptions SHLL, Vol. 2. 2019 , 143–150

The work on the multi-volume Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 11th-17th centuries and the preparation and publication of which lasts decades, inevitably entails a revision of the published material, the appearance of additions, as well as correction of errors and inaccuracies (addenda et corrigenda). The author considers the few words with the Slavic root твор- and on the basis of etymological and lexicological analysis comes to the conclusion about the need to clarify the 18th meaning of the verb творити, which should be formulated differently: ‘to harm’. In the second study, the author establishes the origin and meaning of the lexeme опсимъ. The lack of information about it is evidenced by the question mark in this Dictionary. The word comes from the Greek ἀψίνθιον, ἀψίνθιος, ἄψινθος ‘wormwood (bitter) wine’, and discovered in the Slavic translation of the 13th century shapes асфинфъ and ѥспинфъ still not been described yet neither in paleo- and media-Slavic, nor in Russian historical lexicography.


Slavic and Russian historical lexicology and lexicography

Dictionary of the Russian language of the 11th–17th centuries