Boris Larin. Childhood. Youth. College years (biographical sketch): For the 125th anniversary of his birth

Grusdeva E. Boris Larin. Childhood. Youth. College years (biographical sketch): For the 125th anniversary of his birth SHLL, Vol. 1. 2018 , 217–233

The essay reveals historical and biographical facts about the childhood and youth of the famous Russian linguist Boris Larin (1893–1964). Based on the documents from the archives of Kiev, Moscow and St. Petersburg, it considers little-known or even previously unknown at all details of his life, school and college years to trace the personal and professional development of the prospective researcher along with the formation of his peculiar interest in science.


ГАК — Государственный архив г. Киева.
ИОРЯС— Известия Отделения русского языка и словесности.
ИР НБУВ — Институт рукописи Национальной библиотеки Украины им. В.И. Вернадского (Киев).
МНП — Министерство народного просвещения.
МСК — Межкафедральный словарный кабинет им. проф. Б.А. Ларина (СПбГУ).
РГАЛИ — Российский государственный архив литературы и искусства (Москва).
СПбФ АРАН — Санкт-Петербургский филиал Архива РАН.
ЦГА СПб — Центральный государственный архив Санкт-Петербурга.


B.A. Larin

the Galagan College

comparative linguistics

V.N. Peretz

F.I. Knauer