Based on my experience of working on the Dictionary of the 19th century Russian

Diaghileva I. Based on my experience of working on the Dictionary of the 19th century Russian SHLL, Vol. 1. 2018 , 172–177

The article deals with lexicographical methods of work on the differential historical dictionary and shows examples of word entries the ways different lexical data is presented in the dictionary.


СРЯ XVIII — Словарь русского языка XVIII века. Л.; СПб., 1984. Вып. 1.
Шанский 2001 — Шанский Н.М., Боброва Т.А. Школьный этимологический словарь русского языка. 4-е изд. М., 2001.


historical lexicology

historical lexicography

text database


word usage