The specific features of forming “nests” of Church Slavonic words in the “Dictionary of Russian Academy”

Semenov P. The specific features of forming “nests” of Church Slavonic words in the “Dictionary of Russian Academy” SHLL, Vol. 1. 2018 , 160–171

This article is devoted to the questions of the stylistic interpretation of Church Slavonic words as a genetic and stylistic category in the “Dictionary of Russian Academy” (1789–1794). On the basis of the comparative analysis of two groups of words of same root (glas — golos, glava — golova) the author makes an attempt to reconstruct stylistic views of the lexicographers of the 18th century and to explain differences in stylistic estimation of the different words.


Slavonicism (Church Slavonic word)

stylistic estimation



genetic and stylistic category


family of words