Compound words with the first component zemle-/zem(n)- (the 19th century Russian neologisms)

Kalinovskaya V. Ezerinya S. Compound words with the first component zemle-/zem(n)- (the 19th century Russian neologisms) SHLL, Vol. 1. 2018 , 99–112

The paper focuses on the 19th century Russian lexical and semantic neologisms with first word component zemle-/zem(n)- — one of the basics for the Russian language world view. The number of such compound words sufficiently increasing in the 19th century — in comparison with the previous time. It should be noted that in this period of time, the topmost meanings of the given component are ‘topsoil as an agricultural resource’, ‘land as property, estate’, ‘earth surface’, and ‘soil, ground as an object for construction and the like’.


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history of the Russian language

historical lexicology

