N. Grech on journalism as a “special branch of literature” in the history of the 19th century Russian literary language
Priemysheva M.
N. Grech on journalism as a “special branch of literature” in the history of the 19th century Russian literary language
СИЛЛ, Vol. 3. 2020
n 1840, "Readings on the Russian Language" by Nikolai Ivanovich Grech was published, which can be considered as one of the very first works on the history of the Russian literary language. This study also considers for the first time in the history of Russian philological thought Russian journalism, including in the context of its influence on the Russian language.
The article attempts to consider this work of N.I. Grech both in the context of the formation of the tradition of the history of the study of the Russian literary language, and in the context of research on the language of Russian journalism and its influence on the development of the Russian literary language.
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- Budde E.F. Ocherk istorii sovremennogo literaturnogo russkogo yazyka (XVII–XIX vek) [Essay on the history of the modern literary Russian language (17–19 century)]. SPb., 1908. (In Russ.)
- Vinogradov V.V. Ocherki po istorii russkogo literaturnogo yazyka XVII–XIX vv. [Essays on the history of the Russian literary language of the 17–19th centuries]. M., 1978. (In Russ.)
- Grech N.I. Chteniya o russkom yazyke [Readings about the Russian language]. Ch. 1–2. SPb., 1840. (In Russ.)
- Tolstoj N.I. O kurse istorii russkogo literaturnogo yazyka akademika V.V. Vinogradova [About a course of history of the Russian literary language of the academician V.V. Vinogradov] // V.V. Vinogradov. Ocherki po istorii russkogo literaturnogo yazyka XVII–XIX vv. M., 1982. S. 3–10. (In Russ.)